Keep Genetically Enegineered Organisms Out Of Our Food & Environment
GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand

PROUD TO BE GE FREE. Today food grown in New Zealand is GE-free - let's keep it natural.
Genetic Engineering (GE) re-combines genetic elements from viruses, bacteria, plants and
animals, to form genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - which can become a living pollution.
GE can be controlled - if kept inside the lab for medicine and ethical uses - but outside the lab GE
is a serious threat to our food, ebvironment and economy.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

Stop the release of GE-grass to feed dairy cows.

Plans to plant GE ryegrass are a threat to New Zealand. There are better ways to reduce
methane emissions using mixed forage and organic farming.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

Ban cloning of cows with human genes to produce GE milk.

Human genes in animals raises ethical issues. GE experiments have caused unacceptable deformities and unneccessary suffering in animals.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

Keep GE Pine trees - and other GMOs - out of the environment.

Gene drift will contaminate other crops and spread, like gorse and other introduced species
have done. Trade deals like the TPPA risk forcing GE crops into NZ, taking away people's
choice. Overseas, GE crops have led to superweeds, increased toxic chemicals in food,
lower yields and disease.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

Protect the public from proven risks of GE foods.

Independant scientists warn that animal studies on GE foods show organ damage and
reduced fertility. Pesticides used with GE crops have transferred into the blood of pregnant
woman and their foetuses.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

End the myth that GE food is needed to feed the world.

Studies show food production can double in ten years using organic and climate-smart
farming. Food security is threatened by GE Terminator genes and restricted access to seed.
Debt to agrochemical companies has already resulted in suicide for hundreds of thousands
of farmers.

GE FREE - Aotearoa New Zealand Tick

Keep New Zealand's Food and Environment GE-Free.



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Keep Genetically Enegineered Organisms Out Of Our Food & Environment
Keep Genetically Enegineered Organisms Out Of Our Food & Environment